FAQs Hair Removal

Questions and Answers about Permanent Hair Removal

Q: I have read a great deal about the greater effectiveness of MSC Hair Removal over traditional methods like waxing or electrolysis. How safe is the treatment?

A: With MSC Depilux™ Hair Free System, hair growth in targeted areas can be halted forever as intense pulsed light disable the hair follicles themselves. In a few short sessions, you can solve the problem of unwanted hair painlessly. The technology has been proved to be safe by the FDA and European Medical Devices Directive (EMDD), CE mark which means it meets the most stringent safety requirements. MSC has over 25 years of expertise in this technology and the entire treatment process is handled and supervised by medical professionals.

Q: How should I prepare my skin for the Hair Removal treatment?

A: The only suggested preparation is to avoid over-exposure to direct sunlight 2 to 4 weeks in advance. If you are out in the sun we recommend a SPF30 or higher sun block lotion.

Q: What about after treatment?

A: We recommended you use pure Aloe Vera skin care products to soothe and protect the skin. For two days after treatment, we suggest you avoid stretching exercises as the skin may still be slightly sensitive. Moreover, avoid any skin care products that include alcohol, acid or oil elements for the first 24 hours. For 1 week after the treatment, you should also avoid exposing your skin to direct sunlight.